Messed Up Did You? 4 Ways to Say Sorry to Your Boyfriend Or Girlfriend

Telling your significant other your sorry can be extremely difficult for some people. Some find it tough because they feel so embarrassed and ashamed of their wrong-doings. While others find it difficult because they are too stubborn to come down off their high horse and apologize for something. Regardless of which category you fall into, it is important to say sorry to someone you care for when you have done something wrong. If you are struggling with an apology, consider these 4 ways to say sorry to your boyfriend or girlfriend.

Straight Up Apology

Sometimes coming right out and giving your boyfriend or girlfriend a simple straight up apology is all you need to do. This is normally best for small issues that don't entail a whole lot of serious thought. For individuals that have issues with their ego, this can be the hardest of apologies. This apology may not work for bigger more serious issues, it may come off as insincere

The Long Talk

You may have to sit down and talk with your boyfriend or girlfriend if you've done something wrong. Have a good discussion on how you made them feel, and why they are upset with you. Apologize, but do more than just this, talk about the apology. Let your lover know the steps you are willing to take to ensure your wrong doing won't happen again. A long talk is the most sincere and heartfelt way to apologize to you love.


Giving a gift may seem that you are buying your forgiveness. Accompanied with a sincere apology, a nice gift is a way to make your true love feel better. It's not meant to solve the problems, but it is a way to smooth things over, and for them to be a bit more open to your apology, if you are willing to go the extra mile to make them happy.

Going Out

Treating your honey to an evening out, is a great way to show them how much you care for them. While an apology is vital, taking them out will help them and you remember why you are together in the first place. If you enjoy a nice evening out together, it may make accepting your apology easier.

Before embarking on an apology however you must truly think about what you are apologizing for. Some instances are best suited with a simple apology, while other more serious issues require going the extra mile.

Taking the time to truly understand the reason for the apology and how you are going to do it may seem like a lot of work, but you want to make sure that you say sorry to your boyfriend or girlfriend in a way that will mend your relationship.

The Magic of Making Up System is a simple down to earth system that has taught deadbeats and complete derelicts how to get their ex back,surely it can help your relationship. Watch a video that will show you the next step to answer how to get my ex back. Watch the video Here

How Do I Get Back Together With My Ex- Made Simple

If you are asking how do I get back together with my ex, you have obviously decided that it was a mistake for you to break up. Perhaps it wasn't your decision to break off with your partner. Perhaps something huge happened such as an affair or other form of cheating. Or maybe you just grew apart. But now having spent some time away from one another you have decided that they are the person for you.

The good news is that thousands of couples get back together every day so it is not some impossible fantasy that you are contemplating. It is easier to rekindle feelings with an ex-partner than to meet a new Mr or Ms Right. Now that doesn't mean you should get back together with your ex because you can't be bothered getting to know someone new and feel that your ex girlfriend or boyfriend is easier bet. You should only be getting back together if you feel that you two have something really special and worth saving.

The mistake most people make is that they try and push the other person too hard into taking them back. While I agree that you should be persuasive, you should take a subtle approach. You need to see things from your ex's point of view and try and work out how you are going to convince them that you and your relationship are worth giving another shot.

I am not saying it is going to be easy. It would be a lot easier if you don't try to do this alone. You can chose to have relationship counselling but not everyone feels comfortable discussing intimate details with a stranger. Another option is to try reading a couple of self help books. Some people find these very effective but others wish they could contact someone to ask them a question if they needed to. The good news is that there are some courses that offer you this facility as well and you can use email i.e. you do not need to meet the person who is going to help you.

Love is a very powerful emotion and sometimes it can cause us to do silly things. Now is not the time to let your jealousy or anger take over. You need to deal with these negative emotions and concentrate on the positive ones. Do not contact your ex until you are 100% sure that you can remain in control of your feelings and can be the person they want to be with. Nobody wants a jealous, angry partner. They want someone who loves them, who is confident and secure in themselves and eager to carve out a happy life together.

Show them you can be this person and you won't be asking how do I get back together with my ex for much longer. You will be celebrating your return to the happy world of couples. Go on you can do this. Start today.

How to Get My Ex Back as mentioned above can be tricky, you need to time everything just right to get them back for sure. Watch a 2 videos to find out exactly what to say and do to get your ex back. Click Here For Your Answers

Broken Relationship Grief What Stage Are You In

There are five stages to dealing with broken relationship grief, just as there are 5 stages to go through any emotional grief. Understanding where you are at and knowing that what you are feeling is all just part of a natural (though painful) process can help you get through your tough time.

The first stage is denial. This is where you convince yourself (or try to convince yourself) that your breakup didn't really occur. This also manifests itself as you waiting for the person to sit down with you at dinner or pick you up at work. In this stage, there are often no tears because the reality hasn't sunk in yet or you are not accepting or even acknowledging your loss.

The next stage is anger. This can be directed towards the world, at God ("Why me?!), at your ex and at yourself. In this stage you often want to get even with your ex or you act out towards others who try to help you.

Then comes the bargaining stage. This can actually come before you split definitively as well. Here is where you try to get him or her back by making deals or begging the person to return. You could also be bargaining with God or some higher power in this stage. . . "If you bring him/her back to me, I promise I'll go to church every Sunday. . ." This phase includes a great deal of pleading, wishing and praying for things to go back to normal.

The next step in dealing with broken relationship grief is depression. In this stage you may feel extremely sad or completely overwhelmed with hopelessness, frustration, bitterness, feeling sorry for yourself, and mourning. Here, any unacknowledged emotions have caught up with you and they're in full force. You see a different future than what you may be used to seeing and feel defenseless and numb.

Finally, and fortunately, you hit the acceptance stage. Here is where you accept the mistakes you have made and the results of those mistakes. Here is where you accept that the person is out of your life, or at least will not play the same role as they have until recently. It's important to note that acceptance is not resignation. You are not giving up in this stage. On the contrary, it is only now that you can start to gradually build your goals for the future and leave your relationship in the past.

Eventually, you will get to the point that you can appreciate what you have learned in this tough period. It's also a good idea to get help or have a good friend that you can confide in regularly. Remember that you are not alone by any means and that you will survive, as have thousands of others when dealing with broken relationship grief.

Want to learn how to get your ex back quickly? I've reviewed The Magic Of Making Up at my site. Read my review and Learn How To Get Your Ex Back TODAY!

Can Positive Thinking Get My Boyfriend Back - Positive Thinking Alone Wont

Are you asking yourself "Can positive thinking get my boyfriend back?" There are many merits to positive thinking. Although the thinking itself can't get your boyfriend back, the effects of you being positive and taking positive action for yourself can definitely help you out.

The reasons that men break up with women vary and all situations are different. But if you do want your boyfriend back, then you are definitely capable of doing so. First of all, start focusing your positive thinking on yourself and not your boyfriend. If you were thinking "He will come back to me" or "He will stop seeing the other person he left me for", those are relatively positive thoughts but they are focused on him. Focus your energy on yourself. Think instead, "I am irresistible," or thoughts like this.

If you're not feeling particularly irresistible right now (highly likely), it's because you have taken yourself out of the equation by focusing only on your ex boyfriend. It is time to get working on yourself. If you've been missing out on sleep and healthy meals, make sure you get back on track.

Eat lots of fruit and vegetables and make sure you're not staying up all night fretting over the situation. Sleep is a huge contributor to your emotional state. If you get enough you are calm and rational. Once you start getting low on sleep you can become hysterical and even distort certain events in your mind. Also, people who don't get enough sleep are hungrier and heavier and they look haggard.

Start exercising if you haven't done that. This can do wonders for those "positive" feelings. Also, whether you feel like it or not, you need to start getting out with the girls or other friends. And, most importantly, in this phase, do not contact your ex boyfriend. While spending time alone right now can be good for you, do not let it become a sulk session. Take this time to do all of those things you never had time to do when you were in the relationship.

Once you start to feel better about yourself, you will start looking better to others around you. Now is when you can start picturing yourself with your boyfriend again and how wonderful it will be. Think of your relationship without all the previous misunderstandings and fights.

Positive thinking towards yourself paired with imagery about your future relationship can go a long way. As time goes on and you feel more confident, you should be able to make gradual contact with your ex and start communication again. Many people at this stage decide that they don't even want to pursue the relationship anymore. But if you do and if you play it right, you can have your ex boyfriend back in your arms again.

So, if you are asking yourself "Can Positive Thinking Get my boyfriend back?" the answer is yes, it can.

Break ups suck and no one can deny that, but they don't have to be permanent. Watch 2 videos that will help you with how to get an ex back. Click Here!

Can I Get Back With My Ex Lover

"Can I get back with my ex lover?" Do you find yourself asking yourself this same question over and over again? You're not alone. Thousands of people are going through break-ups every day and asking themselves the same thing. The good news is that you can get back with your ex if you have just one key element.

There really is only one thing that you need in order to bring your ex lover back to you and that is confidence. Chances are that if you're at the point of asking yourself "Can I get back with my ex lover?" then you are pretty low in the confidence ranking scale at the moment. As you go through relationship problems and fear the loss of your lover, your confidence can really take a nose dive, even if you used to be someone who was really sure of yourself.

Your confidence helps you in many ways. It can help you get hired. It can attract someone to you (if you're not over-confident) and it definitely can help you get your ex back. Confidence will help you in all walks of life and having it will keep your relationship healthy once you are back in your lovers arms.

If you lack confidence, you have low self-esteem which is why you are wondering if you can really get your lover back or not. A confident person would realize that he/she can. Your low self-esteem will tell you that you are not good enough or that your lover can easily find someone better. Once you have this in your head, you either give up or you start doing desperate things to try to get your lover back which, of course, only makes things worse. What usually happens in this case is that your ex will start to feel sorry for you. It is difficult at that stage to change his/her impression. But you can do it.

Rather than sulking and plotting how you are going to win back your ex, start concentrating on yourself. You need a spiritual make-over. Make sure you are eating right, exercising and spending time with friends. Get out even if you don't feel like it. Fake it 'til you make it. And do not contact your ex. This is your time to get your self-esteem back.

Pretty soon, you'll see that you are no longer faking it. You'll enjoy your time on your own and your time out with friends. You'll start to feel better about yourself and you'll be more attractive to others, including your ex lover. At this point you may actually question whether you really want him/her back. But if you do, you will be able to confidently approach him/her, speak about your relationship and work on bringing it back to life.

So, the answer to "Can I get back with my ex lover?"

How to Get My Ex Back as mentioned above can be tricky, you need to time everything just right to get them back for sure. Watch a 2 videos to find out exactly what to say and do to get your ex back. Click Here For Your Answers