Breaking up is one of the most heart wrenching things that a person can go through. Maybe you did something wrong, maybe they did, but you're not ready to give up on the relationship. Good for you, now that you've made that decision, what now? Where does one start? The internet is full of advice, some good, some bad. Which do you listen to?
Well I don't know about you, but I like proven results. I like to see and hear results from real people, and more importantly than that, I want to get my information from a real person, someone that when I hear a name I can put a face to.
Introducing T.W. Jackson, he joined he U.S. Navy when he was 17 years old, with his life in the military he's lived in numerous countries and been in various states in the U.S., with all the moving around that he's been through he's encountered many different walks of life and has learned how to interpret people very fast. He has pretty much mastered the understanding of what makes people "tick" and even got to a point that he realized that he could influence their behaviours and actions.
T.W. is by means not a psychologist or some relationship guru, he's just an average guy that knows how to interpret people and since he knows what makes people tick he also knows how to help others in need.
T.W. has put together a fantastic bit of reading for anyone that has recently gone through a break up, to help them get back together with their ex. It's a fantastic book called "The Magic of Making Up".
This book teaches everything that you may need to help you get your ex back, from start to finish.
The Magic of Making Up is more than just do this and do that, it is a full resource of everything involved with getting your ex back.
Discover the most common reasons why lovers leave, not just what is in front of you, but the deep underlying reasons. Understanding these reasons is vital to rekindling any relationship. Without a true understanding you'll simply be wasting your time. There are many pieces to a relationship that fit together like a puzzle, and without connecting each piece exactly where it goes, you never get your puzzle completed.
Then you are going to learn to "Get Your Head on Straight". This is important, as if we aren't thinking clearly then you are going to have a hell of a time. If you don't have your head on straight then you may be thinking irrationally or rather speaking from emotions. Emotions are surely a good thing to have, but at the same time they can be your ultimate downfall. When your emotions are untamed, you may say things that aren't true, be hurtful, be argumentative or even worse be vengeful.
Next you will learn how to assess your situation. You are asked to step back and find out what you truly want. If you are reading this info, then obviously you are interested in getting back together with your ex, but is that truly the right thing for you. Learn how to evaluate everything and come up with what's right for you.
Finally, the proven plan to get your ex back. This plan has proven itself over and over again. T.W. has received countless emails thanking him for his help and advise that he's provided to them. This plan isn't just do this and do that and your ex will come crawling back to you. It's all about self improvement and taking care of yourself. He details what sort of things that you can be doing for yourself to help better your life. With everything from exercise and activities to make you feel better about yourself. What sort of things that you should be eating, to improve your lifestyle, and telling how different types of food will react in your body to make you feel bad and what to eat to make you feel good.
I know what your thinking, this is all focused on you and what you can do to improve yourself, but what if the break up wasn't your fault. Well the answer to that is, you are the one that is looking to get your ex back, you can't make your ex do anything at all right now. If your goal is to get back together with your ex than you need to make the changes with yourself to get your ex back.
Now that that is said, with The Magic of Making Up, you will learn proven techniques to ease back into your relationship and solidify your love. You will learn how to start communicating with your ex again, and what you should and what you definitely shouldn't say under any circumstances. Some of these things may surprise you. You will also learn how to almost guarntee a yes to a date instead of getting a no. You will also learn how to keep the relationship going after you've rekindled your relationship with you ex, tons of activities that you and your ex may enjoy doing together.