Find Out How to Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back - Learn From My Mistakes

When a relationship ends it's without a doubt the most painful thing that you can experience, at that time. We've all been through a gut wrenching, emotional break up in our lives. Once we go through one, we do everything in our power to prevent that pain from happening again. I know I sure have. I know exactly where your at right now, I've been there myself, there was one in particular that seemed to take the cake for heart ache. I won't go into details about how long we were together or anything like that, but let me tell you I didn't think that I'd ever get over her.

I wanted her back so badly, I did every thing that I could possibly think, in my mind, seemed like the right thing to do. Boy was I ever wrong. I did it all, you name it I did it. I called her non stop, did what ever I could just to see her again (I never stalked her however), but if there was a chance that by me being somewhere that she may end up at, I went there. Let me tell you for all of my efforts do you want to know where it got me, you guessed it no where. It actually had me feeling more hurt and desperate to find out how to get my ex girlfriend back.

After immense research online I've found out the reasons why my, seemingly good, intentions resulted in no luck and me feeling even worse. It's actually quite simple if you really think about it. By nature we want what we can't have. I'm sure you've heard similar expressions before, but basically what it meant was since I was always around and made my self readily available if my ex decided to take me back, it actually made me less attractive to her. She knew she could have me if she wanted me, so she didn't.

Another reason is because I was extremely desperate to get her back, and didn't hide it at all from her. Woman don't want this, they want someone to stand strong and not pity themselves. If you can't respect yourself how can you expect someone else to respect you?

And an even simpler reason that doesn't go into a deep thought about how the mind works, is that I was always around and my ex girlfriend didn't get a chance to miss me. I'm sure you've heard another expression, Absence makes the heart grow fonder. As corny as this expression sounds it's true. Have you ever spent any amount of time with someone, it doesn't have to be a lover it could simply be a friend or a family member. One of you goes away for a extended period of time, at first you revel in your new found freedom, but after some time you do start to miss the other person.

I'll let you know that after I had given up all hope of finding out how to get back my ex girlfriend back, I decided it was time to move on. So I stopped calling her, and went out with friends, not trying have an impromptu meeting with her anymore, but actually tried to go out and enjoy myself. A funny thing happened, and something like this may have happened to you before, but my ex actually gave me a call.

That's right she called me out of the blue to see how I was doing. You wouldn't believe how shocked I was by this. It almost seemed that she knew I was getting over her, so she called. At least that was my train of thought at the time, I wasn't thinking to clearly. This phone call caught me so off guard I absolutely had no idea what to say.

I've come across a great site that has some great advise that I wish I had found when I was going through my break up, things would have went a lot differently and I would have known what to do and say to get back my ex girlfriend the proper way. Visit the site and watch 2 videos HERE!