A relationship is a delicate item that needs constant nurturing and attention to thrive. Anyone involved in a relationship is responsible for contributing value to the other half for a balance to be maintained. When balance is upset like a teeter totter with only one person on it is when problems begin. An unbalanced relationship will eventually dissolve leaving one side of the relationship still sitting on the teeter totter waiting for their partner to come back. If your the one that is putting in the effort looking for resolution this can be tough and also lonely, but it your situation can be salvaged.
Be Strong and Confident Have you ever heard the old saying "You always want what you can't have", well this adage holds true in a relationship as well. You always want the unattainable. Begging for your ex to take you back will most likely repel your ex rather than attract them to you. Proving to the world and yourself that during this tough time is an important task to accomplish.
Stay Away Shutting down the lines of communication may not in your mind seem like the proper approach to be taking to rebuild a failed relationship, but it is a vital step that you must take. It's obvious that if your relationship is in the situation that it is now, then someone needed a break. Time to reflect upon your thoughts is the best way to evaluate your relationship. It also gives your ex to clear their mind. Sometimes being away from one another reminds each other how valuable the relationship was.
Learn To Compromise During this time you don't want to start being a drill sergeant and ordering people around. You don't want to give your ex orders such as, "if you don't get your stuff out of here by, such and such a day, it'll be in the garbage". Giving your ex orders and scaring them isn't an effective way of getting them to come back to you. Remember your ex left because they weren't happy with some part of your relationship, giving them ultimatums isn't the way to go. What you need in this time is to become a listener and sympathizer. You of course don't want to give on every demand, but you will for sure half to meet more than halfway if you want to be successful during this rebuilding stage.
Go Out You need to be with friends during this time, not alone. Call up your buddies and get out of the house. You need to do something to distract you from your thoughts of your ex. I'm not saying that while your out you have to pick up someone else, hey you never know what will happen, but this is just to get you out and socializing with others. Getting out is a vital activity for you when you do get your ex back. You will have all kinds of stories that you'll be able to tell your ex when you do start communicating again.
Be Yourself At one point in time, you and your ex were attracted to each other, this was because you are a unique individual. Think back to the first few weeks. What made them special? What has changed? Sometimes a couple can get so comfortable with each other and into a certain routine that things become monotonous and it's easy to forget what it is that made each of you attracted to one another. Find out your best qualities and learn to accentuate them. This will teach you how to be true to yourself, and your ex will appreciate that.
Winning back the love of your life can be difficult, but it can be done. Having a plan and sticking to it are necessary requirements to be successful with your endevour. The basics outlined above will get you started, but to continue you need a plan. If you do really love your ex then fight to get her back, with every available tool at your disposal. For more tools please visit The Magic of Making Up