Getting My Ex Back- Avoid These Two Common Mistakes

In today's world we have many things to be stressed about, the failing world economy, troubled housing markets and relationships ending. If you've recently gone through a break up then you may be asking yourself, How do I go about getting my ex back?" Well I want to let you know that 90% of relationships are salvageable, but I want to let you know that rebuilding relationships is a rocky road. One of the biggest problems that people face when trying to get their ex back is how do you communicate with your ex. I mean, you were together and obviously at one point in time you knew how to talk to them, but how do you do it now?

The next question you may be asking yourself is "How much communication should there be?","How should my ex be responding to my communication efforts." These are both questions that we often ask ourselves when we are trying to get back with our exes.

For starters for about a month after your breakup you want to try your best to avoid all contact all together. Now of course their are situations that do require some contact, but it shouldn't be too difficult to figure for yourself what the bare minimum amount is necessary.

Most communication problems that people encounter is attempting to communicate with their ex too much. Here are two examples of attempts of communication that just plain over do it and makes things worse.

1. Drunk Dialing. I'm not sure if I really need to give an explanation as to what this, as I'm sure your probably aware of it, but in case you aren't. After a long night of partying and drinking when you get home and are feeling alone and sorry for yourself, you have to talk with your ex. In the blink of an eye, you've now dialed your ex's number and are opening your heart, uncontrollably I might add, to your ex who is probably awaking from a very sound slumber.

2. Text Message Terrorism. This is the new form of communication for today's world. Many people fall victim to this act. Essentially we feel so panicked about losing our ex forever, that we want to do absolutely everything we can to rebuild our relationship, we bombard our ex with non stop text messages, phone calls, instant messages and emails. All that we want is for things to work out and get back together with our exes, but what ends up happening is that the person we love gets so turned off by this onslaught of communication they try to distance themselves even further.

These are the two most common mistakes that people make and they are so easily avoidable, but both of these can be overcome if they have already occurred, it just makes your life harder if you truly want to rekindle your relationship with your ex.

Have you already made these mistakes in your attempts at
Getting Back My Ex? Watch a some great videos that will help you overcome these blunders. Videos Here!