After a breakup a million different thoughts regarding your ex could be running through your mind, both good and bad. This is completely normal to be having mixed emotions regarding your ex. The key here is emotions are controlling your thoughts right now. Recognizing signs that your ex wants you back may be difficult right now, so this article will tell you the top 5 signs that your ex wants you back.
The first sign and the most obvious sign is if your ex has initiated contact with you on more than one occasion, for no apparent reason. An ex may do this just to simply hear your voice, as they are going through a tough time right now and you are a sense of security for them.
A second sign would be if mutual friends between the two of you have told you that your ex has been asking lots of questions about you, such as how you've been or if they think that you'd take them back.
A third sign is if your ex seems to be trying to impress you with a new look, or buying material things to make themselves appear more attractive.
The fourth sign would be if your ex seems to be "appearing" in more of the places that you visit. This is especially a good sign if these are places that your ex didn't seem to have any sort of interest in before.
The fifth sign would be if after some time, your ex out of the blue makes and impromptu phone call to you to ask you for a meeting in a public place to talk. A reason why this would be a good sign is because your ex may want to meet in a casual environment to "replant" the seed of a relationship.
There are of course other signs that your ex wants you back, but these are the top 5 that I've come across.
If you're trying to get your ex back and your unsure if your efforts are going unnoticed, then being able to recognize these signs can help.
Looking for a step by step plan of getting your ex back? I've reviewed a great book at that will teach you the best ways of getting your ex back. You'll also learn more signs that your ex wants you back.