I remember the pain of the last breakup that I ever had. I can remember losing sleep at nights, the big knot in my stomach and the countless hours spent watching TV just to try to forget about my ex. So believe me, I know exactly what you're going through. If you want to win your ex back, this article will help you on your way with a easy to follow plan.
The toughest step by far is the first step. Right now you are very emotional, and don't exactly have your head on straight. You need to clear your head and think level headed. I know this is a toughie right now, but it must be done. It is impossible to execute your a plan with your head all messed up. So first things first, you have to clear you head. There are many things that you can do to accomplish this, go shopping, pick up a hobby do anything at all. Just get your mind off of your ex.
After you have your head clear (which shouldn't take too long) is to take some time and evaluate your situation. This means taking a look at things realistically. A portion of this involves admitting to yourself what your to blame for in this mess. While you may want to think that everything was all your ex fault, it doesn't work that way. There are two people in every relationship. So suck it up and admit to yourself the problems that you contributed to.
Next step after completing one and two is to call your ex. You want to ask your ex for a meeting. Make it over lunch or a quick snack in a public place so that any sort of a chance of an big scene are lessened. During your meeting with your ex, admit your mistakes to them and ask for another chance. Don't beg for forgiveness or carry on. More times than not, your ex will so be shocked by your admission of blame, they'll take you back, or atleast start opening the lines of communication so that you two can work things out.
I've recently come across a book that I've reviewed, that has been extremely helpful to thousands.
If you want to
win back your ex, The Magic of Making Up is exactly what you're looking for. Check out a proven plan to help. Click Here