Does Your Ex Still Have Feelings For You? Surefire Ways to Tell

Wouldn't it be great if in this world people walked around with gigantic mood meters stamped on their foreheads, so we could see just how their were feeling. In reality we all know that isn't going to happen. We have to learn to pick up on certain signals from others to get a feel for how they are feeling, and especially how they feel about ourselves. This would certainly come in handy when we are associating with our ex. Here's 5 handy tips you can use to if your wondering does your ex still have feelings for you.

1. If you are in contact with any of your ex's friends, then you are able to try and break their code of silence and ask does your ex still have feelings for you. Your ex's friends may not be willing to give you any info, as it would be breaking a code of confidence between friends. You may be lucky and come across some pretty loose lips here as well, especially if your ex does still have feelings for you. If your ex does still have feelings, you can be sure that they have told their friends. This could come as a great opportunity for you to plant the seed in your ex's friends mind, that you were asking about your ex and that you are thinking of them. You better believe that they will run and tell your ex that you were asking about them.

2. Another way is to not become a shut in and get out and enjoy life. Go out with your friends, you'll feel better. Another great reason to do this is that, you'll soon be able to find out does your ex still have feelings for you, as word will get around about you being out and about and their reaction to this if they do still care is to reach out to you to find out what's going on. They are going to want to know why you aren't devastated by them not being apart of your life anymore.

3. Finding out how your ex feels about you, can be signaled by what he/she does with any gifts and presents that you gave to them. Does your ex still keep your presents and treasure them? If so, then this is a great sign that they don't want to forget about you. One of the first things that someone does, when they don't want reminders of someone around them, they destroy and rid themselves of any possessions that their ex gave to them. If you still have contact with your ex's friends, when you look into tip 1 above, you can certainly ask about mementos that may be laying around.

4. If your ex's friends seem to be asking you a barrage of questions about yourself and what you have been doing since the break up, then they may have been put up to it from your ex. Does your ex still have feelings for you, can be figured out by the sort of questions that you are getting asked. This clue does seem to get overlooked by many, as with most break ups, people agree to still remain friends, so people may be blinded by this to see the obvious.

5. If you and your ex did part as friends, and if your still receiving phone calls from your ex, then this is a positive sign for you. Be aware of the times of these phone calls coming in to you from your ex, as if they are calling you right before bed or from a party or something similar, this would be probably the clearest sign that your ex does still have feelings for you.

These are just some basic tips to help you open your eyes a bit, and to learn to interpret your ex's feelings. There are plenty of signs, but these are some of the big ones to be on the look out for.

So until scientist do invent some sort of mood meter that straps onto our forehead to tell us exactly how everyone feels about us, The Magic of Making Up is the next best thing. Learn if your ex does still have feelings for you and how to get your ex back.

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