It's a fact that everyday break ups happen. What is most upsetting about this fact is that most break ups can be avoided very easily. Even more so is the most of the time, one of the parties in the relationship isn't ready to end it. This is certainly a painful time especially if you want your ex back. Without a doubt right now you are going through a wide range of emotions, feeling desperate trying to figure out why it happened. I'm not surprised if you're losing sleep at night contemplating what if scenarios that could have save your relationship.
I'm sure that you have already concocted some sort of plan to get your ex back. Stop and don't follow it, not yet anyway. There are mistakes that people make when trying to get back together with their ex's that make things worse then they were. One of the biggest mistakes that people make is to constantly call them, practically harassing and begging their ex to take them back. This doesn't work now, nor has it ever worked. The only thing that will be accomplished by using this method is pushing your ex further and further away from you. Better than this method, is a method I'm about to tell you about that has must better results.
This is a very simple strategy to get your ex back. It's reverse psychology and why it works is pretty simple as well. We as humans by our programming in us want what we can't have, this is what you are going to do to get your ex back. The way to go about this is to avoid contact with your ex for some time. By doing this, your ex is going to start him/herself questions like "Why isn't he/she calling me?", "Doesn't he/she care about me anymore?" and as a reflex to these questions, he/sh is going to start coming back to you. This doesn't sound to complex now does it? When he/she starts calling again, what are you going to do and say? You better say the right things, or they'll leave again.
Need a proven plan to follow.
The Magic of Making Up has helped thousands of couples from around the world rekindle their relationships. Don't say and do the wrong things. Learn how to get your ex back Click Here!