How Do I Get My Ex Back? - Getting Ex Back Secrets

When your relationship turned sour you may find yourself panicking to cling on to your ex. You still love your ex and want them back. Asking yourself over and over again, "How do I get my ex back?" Is there a way to stop the break up and try again? There sure is, but you have to approach it correctly.

I'm sure that you are fighting an urge right now as you read this to call your ex and plead your case to give it another chance. DON'T DO IT! I'm sure that this goes against everything in your mind that seems right to do, but trust me it'll only make things worse. If you call your ex right now and not read this article through, you'll kick yourself later. Why you may ask will it makes things worse, well I'll tell you why. If you call right now and plead your case with your ex, it's going to make you sound desperate and needy. Now lets take a step back from your current situation right now and imagine if you were on the receiving end of a call from someone begging for you to take them back. What would be going through your mind.

1. You'd feel sorry for this person that they are going through so much pain, but this would inturn make you feel bad that you've inflicted this much pain on another person. You would then feel resentful towards that person for making you feel bad and you wouldn't want to talk to that person anymore as it would remind you of the pain you have caused them.

2. You would also feel that this person was desperate and needy. By nature we look for the exact opposite, we look for strength and independence. Sure the desperate person on the other end of the call would bow down at the site of you and would be so happy that you took them back, but you'd be bored and wouldn't respect this person. How can you respect someone that shows now respect for themselves, after all you respect yourself don't you want someone that would feel the same way?

This is why this desperate phone call is to be avoided at all costs. Put the phone down and walk away from it.

What you want to do is give your ex some space. A cool down period is in order for both your ex and yourself to do some serious thinking and evaluating of what went wrong. Now I can't tell your ex what to do, as they aren't reading this article, or maybe they are who knows, but you are reading it. During this time you want to focus on anything that you may have done wrong in the relationship and work on fixing your faults. I know it wasn't all your fault that the relationship ended, but I already mentioned your ex isn't the one reading this article. To be successful in finding out how do i get my ex back you have to first learn to let them go. How do you let them go? This simply means for all intensive purposes you want to agree with the break up, for now anyways.

Moving on and getting over your ex may seem to be a counter-productive approach to how do I get my ex back, but trust me. Now you need a proven plan to follow to find out how do I get my ex back. Rekindle your relationship Now