How to Make Your Ex Want You Back - Some Tips For Success

Breakups can be defined as one of the most emotionally difficult things that in our lifetime we may cope with. While a break up is tough, getting back with an ex is to be considered by many equally difficult. Dealing with the issues that caused the break up in the first place and coming up with reasons for your ex to want you back is extremely tough. How to make your ex want you back is all you can think about right now. Forgiveness is a major factor in getting your ex to want you back, but whose forgiveness should be your main focus? Most peoples pride won't let them forgive someone that has hurt them in the past.

One thing that you must do especially immediately following the break up is to stay away from you ex. This may seem counterproductive but there is a reasoning to this madness. Severing all contact with your ex for about a month is all the time that you should take. The biggest reason is we all need some space while our emotions are a ticking time bomb. If you are serious about getting back together with your ex you don't want to say or do something stupid and have it ruin your chances. Some stupid things would be text message terrorism if your unsure what this is, it's just like it sounds. Sending text messages to your ex non stop. Another stupid thing is calling his/her phone non stop.

Both of these sound like a good thing to do while you are hurting and you just want to plead your case and beg him/her to take you back, but do you know what this does in actuality?

It pushes them further and further away each and every time that you call or text message. It gets the point across to your ex that you are desperate and needy. Would you want someone calling and harassing you all day and all night. Hell no, you'd call the police and get a restraining order, and if you keep it up they may too. Now that definitely won't make your ex want you back.

So the point is to stay away. Got it? Good.

During this month you need to occupy your mind with a proven plan to get your ex back. The Magic of Making Up has helped thousand get back with their ex's. Have you figured out yet How To Make Your Ex Want You Back? I can help. Click Here.